Paju Geumchon STPview Pure Envitech
SBM − Pure Envitech (DF-MBR Process)
About Paju Geumchon STP
Commissioned/installed date: 2009−2015
Paju is located in the northwest Gyeonggi Province, Korea. The population is growing rapidly and reached 408,905 people in September 2013 due to a new residential district development and of large-scale industrial complex since 2000.
Accordingly, there was a rapid increase in the city support facilities and also increase in establishment and expansion of the sewage treatment plants. As a result, Gwangtan STP (Sewage Treatment Plant), Unjeong STP and Tongildongsan STP, etc have been newly established and expanded.
The Paju Geumchon STP is based on the DF-MBR process. DF-MBR process has high level of nitrogen and phosphorus treatment and takes up smaller footprint comparing with other process.
- pdf_case_study_pure_envitech_paju_geumchon_stp (PDF 475KB)
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This page was last updated on 19 June 2018
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