Fig 13. The three existing digester tanks, San Luis Obispo WRRF
The three existing digester tanks, San Luis Obispo WRRF
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The three existing digester tanks, San Luis Obispo WRRF
A short walk across the top of the process tanks, starting from the mixed liquor pumps at one end, San Luis Obispo WRRF
Key differences between the MBBR, the moving bed biofilm reactor, and MABR, the membrane-aerated biofilm reactor
Membrane processes compared with conventional alternatives: reverse osmosis vs evaporation for seawater desalination
Membrane processes compared with conventional alternatives: membrane technology vs chemical disinfection and UV irradiation
Membrane processes compared with conventional alternatives: the clarification process and key relationships governing size
Membrane processes compared with the conventional alternatives: introducing clarification processes and their characteristics
This video discusses the metrics that can be used to compare different water and wastewater treatment technology processes
This video compares the membrane bioreactor - the MBR - and the conventional activated sludge process, or CAS
Dennis Livingston and Simon Judd answer questions on MBR technology: design, O&M, troubleshooting, applications and products
Explanation of US (Imperial) vs SI units of measurement, covering fundamental and derived US and SI units
Promotional video for the first Watermaths book by Simon Judd, featuring Sam Judd
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