Add a directory listing

Add a listing in our free directories
We welcome entries for inclusion into our MBR directories. All entries are free of charge but your product or service must be relevant and directly related to membrane bioreactor technology.
Please complete the relevant form below and send it to [email protected]. Complete as much of the template as possible to help our web visitors find your entries when searching.
- MBR membrane products − complete this form
- MBR technology suppliers − complete this form
- MBR consultants & contractors − complete this form
- MBR case studies − complete this form.
You may send us your logo and additional images to accompany your listing and, in doing so, you authorise us to host your images on our servers and publish your images on The MBR Site. You are also confirming that you are the copyright holder of any images you supply for our use.
The MBR Site retains the right to refuse and/or edit entries.
Additional free promotion opportunities
As well as in our free directory listings, there are other ways you can promote your organisation on The MBR Site.
You can send us your news, and training and events by emailing [email protected].
We are also always interested in hearing from companies and individuals with suggestions for feature articles, particularly technical features. Our features pages are some of the most popular pages on our website and therefore represent valuable free publicity.
Feature articles are generally approximately 1000−1500 words in length, and should include as much technical content as possible, together with a selection of high resolution images (jpgs, gifs), and captions and credits if necessary. We do not publish advertorial content, but we are happy to include a link to your company website and/or a research paper where relevant. We often promote feature articles on our social media channels.
If this is of interest, let us know and we can send you our author guidelines. We strongly recommend you contact us with a short proposal for your feature before writing it in full. The MBR Site retains the right to edit features.
Display advertising
You may like to consider joining our other advertisers and booking a display advert on The MBR Site. Not only will your advert receive over (on average) 10,000 page views per month, but you will be raising your brand awareness and directing our web visitors to your website.
You will also be supporting us in our work to promote membrane bioreactor technology, and we are grateful for the support of all our advertisers.