W.O.G. Technologies PTE Ltdcompany websiteemail company

Specialist areas:
- Municipal, Community, Textiles
- Refineries and Petrochemicals
- Food & Beverages
About W.O.G. Technologies PTE Ltd
W.O.G Group specialises in providing expert services in the water & wastewater treatment sector including Waste to Energy, Recycle / Reuse in industrial and Municipal fields on EPC, DBO, BOO, BOOT basis.
W.O.G Group has its head office in Singapore and associate Companies/ Offices in various parts of the world including USA, Thailand, London, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Myanmar, Caribbean, Sri Lanka, Africa & Dubai, with experience as Designers, Engineers and Turnkey solution provider for Industrial & Municipal clients.
W.O.G Group provides innovative solutions and technology used in various industries like Distilleries, Brewery, Yeast, Beverages, Palm Oil, EFB Juice, Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Refineries, Fertilizers, Pharmaceuticals, Textiles, Tanneries, Pulp & Paper, Foundries, Mining, Steel etc for their needs on Water & Waste Water Treatment, Reverse Osmosis based Recycle / Reuse, Sewage Treatment, Waste to Energy, Hazardous Waste etc.
We have developed and commercialized Pre-Fabricated / Containerized / Skid Mounted Package Plants using conventional & advanced technology including membrane technologies. These Plants are characterized by modular capacities and cater to variety of requirements conforms to WHO / USAPA / CANADA / other associated local standards.
The Company is committed to deliver high quality of plants incorporating improved technology based solutions on turnkey basis backed with devoted services and our competitiveness to ensure customer satisfaction. W.O.G Group is proud of its many strategic alliances and tie-ups with major leading Global companies.
We have developed in house capabilities towards Detailed Engineering and Project Execution, Project Management Services, Erection & Commissioning and O&M Services. We have well established After Sales Services Network, to cater to the immediate demand of the customers and provide them a high level of services. Our motto is to provide a complete value added solution to the customer viewing their specific needs.
We provide the assistance to BOO / BOOT Developers / Operators which are interested in privatization in the form of providing Technical Know-how, Design, Engineering, Projection Implementation related activities in the field of its expertise.
W.O.G. Range of services at a glance:
• Anaerobic Digesters (Low rate, UASB and Hybrid)
• Aerobic Systems using aeration technologies (Extended, 2 stage, MBR, SBR, Jet)
• High Rate Lamella clarifier
• Coarse and Fine filtration Systems
• Ultra-filtration Systems
• Reverse Osmosis Systems (skid and container mounted)
• Ion Exchange Systems
• Waste to energy systems generating electricity and alcohols
• Zero discharge systems using Mechanical Vapor Recompression and Thermal Evaporator
• H2S Removal System.
MBR experience
- Design, Engineering, Construction, Supply, Erection & Commissioning, PGTR of MBR based Waste Water Treatment Plant and Reverse Osmosis Based Recycle/Reuse Plant (having capacity of 5500 M3/day) including Operation & Maintenance of the Plant for Yunus Textile Mills Ltd., Karachi, Pakistan.
- Design, Engineering, Construction, Supply, Erection & Commissioning, PGTR of MBR based Waste Water Treatment Plant and Reverse Osmosis Based Recycle/Reuse Plant (having capacity of 2500 M3/day) for Eastern Garment Textile Mills Ltd., Karachi, Pakistan.
- Design, Engineering, Construction, Supply, Erection & Commissioning, PGTR of MBR based Waste Water Treatment Plant and Reverse Osmosis Based Recycle/Reuse Plant (having capacity of 600 M3/day) for ITC Limited., Hyderabad India.
- Design, Engineering, Construction, Supply, Erection & Commissioning, PGTR of MBR based Waste Water Treatment Plant (having capacity of 4500 M3/day) for Artistics Garments Mills Ltd., Karachi, Pakistan.
- Design, Engineering, Construction, Supply, Erection & Commissioning, PGTR of MBR based Waste Water Treatment Plant and Reverse Osmosis Based Recycle/Reuse Plant (having capacity of 600 M3/day) for National Foods Limited., Karachi, Pakistan.
- Design, Engineering, Construction, Supply, Erection & Commissioning, PGTR of MBR based Waste Water Treatment Plant (having capacity of 650 M3/day) for Kia Lucky motors Karachi, Pakistan.
- Design, Engineering, Construction, Supply, Erection & Commissioning, PGTR of MBR based Waste Water Treatment Plant (having capacity of 1500 M3/day) for Carotino Johor Malaysia.
- Design, Engineering, Construction, Supply, Erection & Commissioning, PGTR of MBR based Waste Water Treatment Plant (having capacity of 300 M3/day) for Five star hotels in HuaHin, Thailand.
- Design, Engineering, Construction, Supply, Erection & Commissioning, PGTR of MBR based Waste Water Treatment Plant (having capacity of 400 M3/day) for Colben Energy Malaysia.
- Design, Build, Operation of 25000 m3/day feed capacity Wastewater (Sewage) to Tap Water Production Plant. The scope is complete execution and operation of scope on a BOOT basis for 30 years for Patong Municipality, Phuket, Thailand.
- Design, Engineering, Supply, Supervision of installation commissioning of plant comprising mechanical, electrical and instrumentation for Effluent Treatment Plant (capacity : 1850 m3/day) for M/s. Engro Foods, Pakistan.
- STP Plant (MBR Based - Design-Build, Operate) for the proposed Ananda Resort & Spa (300 m3/day) for Ananda Resorts, Bangkok - Thailand (H&A Park).
About this page
This page was last updated on 01 July 2020
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