Martens Breweryview Blue Foot Membranes
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Food, beverage and dairy
IPC®80 Double Deck Module
About Martens Brewery
- Wastewater originating from beer Industry – brewing. High in Total Phosphor content
- Start up: April 2017
- Number of IPC® membrane modules: 5 IPC®80 Double Deck Modules- - 2 bar Back Pulsable Flat sheet.
Project Background
Martens Brewery has a 260-year history and currently has a brewing capacity of 3 million hL/year. Since April 2017, it has been operating an industrial MBR installation that uses IPC® membrane modules.
The installation is a retrofitted Unitank system that was reconfigured by the OEM to a low strength and high strength compartment. The MBR installation was installed on this last section. The wastewater influent from the brewing operation contains roughly 20 mg/L of total phosphorus. Therefore, in order to comply with discharge limits, FeCl3 is added on a frequent basis. The ability to vigorously backwash these membrane modules makes this operation sustainable and a real success.
During the peak production season, this installation runs at a net operational flux of 37 LMH. This is consistently achieved each year over the last three years of operation. Other advantages of this technology are:
- Capacity/footprint = 11 m3perm/m2module ftprint
- Specific Aeration Demand per hour and permeate volume produced, SADp = 9.6 Nm3 Air scour/h.m3 permeate which enables the low energy consumption for this IPC® flat sheet membrane module.
Company summary
About this page
This page was last updated on 04 May 2022
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