Denderleeuw industrial WWTP - Phase 2view Blue Foot Membranes
Animal waste
IPC® Triple Deck Module - Back Washable Flat Sheet
About Denderleeuw industrial WWTP - Phase 2
- Wastewater originating from animal waste and carcasses, high in FOGs and Nitrogen
- Start up of Phase 2: October 2019
- Amount of IPC® membrane modules: 8 Triple Deck Modules
Project Background:
The modular approach of the IPC® modules in Phase 1 led to a plant design with double-deck modules to expand in the same footprint to add an additional module layer on top to increase the capacity with an additional 40%.
In Phase 2, 8 double decks IPC® membrane modules were modified to 8 triple decks by adding 8 additional modules on top of the exiting membrane towers. The tank size is only 1.6 m x 6 m and 4.5 m high and has a tank surface area of 9.6 m2. This expansion delivered a very high capacity per footprint and a low specific aeration demand:
- Capacity/footprint: 13.3 m3 permeate/m2 module footprint
- Specific Aeration Demand per hour and per permeate volume produced, SADp = 7 Nm3 Air scour/h.m3 permeate
- By this approach the capacity was increased to > 1 MLD.
Company summary
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This page was last updated on 05 May 2022
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