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Central Clear Creek WWTPview Alfa Laval

Central Clear Creek MBR tank
Location: Downieville-Lawson-Dumont, Colorado, USA
Supplied by: Alfa Laval and Alfa Laval USA



MBR technology/system:

Alfa Laval MFM 100-208 Mark 2

Flat Sheet (FS) MBR membrane configuration | Immersed technology configuration
Membrane material: Polymeric
Capacity range (MLD): < 1.0
Owned by: Municipality

About Central Clear Creek WWTP

Clear Creek is a major water supply source for several municipalities in the Denver area. Water quality is a very significant issue. The Clear Creek plant was about 35 years old. When they did the process selection for Central Clear Creek, initially they were looking at a biological nutrient removal (BNR) plant.

However, there was an interval before the plant was implemented, so they had to redo the cost estimates. The cost of the membrane bioreactor (MBR) system had come down to the point that it was about the same as a BNR plant. Thus the recommendation was changed to go with the MBR, partly because it was felt it would be easier to run and more reliable.

Start-up Date : 2018
Average daily flow : 0.38 MLD

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Company summary

Head office in Sweden
Operates in Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe and Middle East | Operates in 52 countries
57 commissioned plants

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This page was last updated on 11 September 2022


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