RockTenn Monterrey WWTPview SFCU

Bespoke solutions
C-MEM (HDPE membrane material)
About RockTenn Monterrey WWTP
Start-up of the C-MEM MBR plant Rocktenn Monterrey (Mexico) − treatment of wastewater from paper and cardboard production with downstream reverse osmosis for water recycling.
In the middle of June 2018, the C-MEM MBR plant in Rocktenn Monterrey subsidiary, which is owned by one of the leading Mexican paper and cardboard packaging producers, was started up.
The plant (2 modules, 128 cartridges) with downstream reverse osmosis treats 173 m³/d wastewater from paper and cardboard production. First, the wastewater is treated biologically with the C-MEM ultrafiltration technology and then cleaned to recycling quality by the downstreams RO, which reduces the water consumption drastically, as the paper and cardboard production process requires relatively much water.
- 173 m³/d
- 2 modules / 128 cartridges
- start-up: 2018
Company summary
About this page
This page was last updated on 24 October 2018
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