Monte Verdi Estates MBRview supplier

Residential, Package systems
Microdyn-Nadir UP150
About Monte Verdi Estates MBR
The community of Monte Verdi Estates in Clovis, CA has upgraded its existing SBR wastewater treatment system to an MBR treatment system to meet its Title 22 Re-Use discharge limits, thereby allowing the use of the recycled water to irrigate the greenbelt areas throughout its subdivision versus using potable water for irrigation.
This 125 home development located just outside the City of Fresno, CA was unable to meet its Title 22 requirements with its existing SBR wastewater treatment system.
Integrated Water Services, Inc. (IWS) was awarded this $4 mm upgrade project which included the rental of one of the IWS MBR skid mounted treatment systems to bypass the existing plant during the 6 month upgrade. The plant needed to continue to process wastewater from the community, so the temporary plant was mobilized and flows were diverted to it while the existing plant was taken out of service and upgraded. The average flow rate for the treatment system was 60,000 gpd with peak flow of up to 80,000 gpd of domestic wastewater.
IWS performed all the mechanical, civil, and electrical/controls work on the project. The construction scope of work included: structural and mechanical modifications to the existing building; a new building addition/extension; structural and mechanical modifications to the existing treatment basins; installation of a new Membrane Bioreactor (MBR); and demolition of the existing Sequencing Batch Reactor, sand filters, and associated pumps and piping.
Components of the new MBR facility included: fine screens housed in the new building addition; relocation of the existing grinder and influent flow meter; two new Return Activated Sludge/Waste pumps; two flat plate submerged membrane units; three pre-aeration and membrane blowers; two permeate pumps; new electrical and SCADA systems; repair and reconstruction of existing improvements affected by the work; and all incidentals and appurtenances for a complete and use-able facility. IWS provided treatment plant start-up, testing, commissioning and close-out.
Company summary
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This page was last updated on 12 December 2020
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