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Henriksdal wastewater treatment plantview supplier

Logo veolia
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Supplied by: Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions



MBR technology/system:

ZeeWeed* 500

Hollow Fibre (HF) MBR membrane configuration | Immersed technology configuration
Membrane material: Polymeric
Capacity range (MLD): > 100
Owned by: Stockholm Vatten

About Henriksdal wastewater treatment plant

*Trademark of Veolia; may be registered in one or more countries

Building the world’s largest MBR-upgrading Stockholm’s wastewater treatment

Stockholm Vatten (SV), the City of Stockholm’s water company, operates two large wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), the Bromma WWTP (320,000 population equivalents) and the Henriksdal WWTP (780,000 population equivalents). The latest upgrade to the wastewater treatment facilities was done in the 1990s when the city was mandated to produce a combined effluent meeting 10 milligrams of Total Nitrogen, 0.3 milligrams of Total Phosphorous and 8 milligrams of BOD7 per liter of effluent produced.

Looking ahead, Sweden has committed to the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) and EU Water Directive, calling for more stringent discharge requirements into local receiving water bodies.

The existing Henriksdal facility is built into a mountain with residential buildings built on top. The entire upgrade of the facility will need to be done in the existing footprint, and any additional tank volume will need to be blasted from what is available in the rock structure. The upgraded Henriksdal facility is designed to treat anticipated 2040 wastewater flows and effluent requirements.

The plant is split into seven hydraulically separated biological trains. The biological upgrade involves phosphorous removal through pre-precipitation with provision for postprecipitation

in the membrane tanks, and nitrogen removal through pre-denitrification followed by post-denitrification using supplemental carbon. The fourteen existing secondary clarifiers are retrofitted to house Veolia’s LEAPmbr* technology to provide membrane filtration.

The Henriksdal WWTP upgrade project has been ongoing in different design phases since 2013. SV tendered the pre-purchase of the MBR system with the intention of collaborating with the membrane vendor on the design ahead of bidding the construction of the project; Veolia was selected in February 2015. The commissioning of the membrane system was completed in four phases from 2017 to 2022.

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Company summary

Head office in Corporate HQ: Trevose, PA, USA
Operates in Worldwide

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This page was last updated on 07 February 2023


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