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Municipal, Commercial facilities, Off-grid solutions, Bespoke solutions, Package systems
ITP miniMBR®
About Gerstell Academy
ITP miniMBR® - Multi-tube, Down Flow with Air Scour
The Gerstell Academy miniMBR® wastewater treatment plant went on-line in July, 2017. Design flow was 12,400 gpd, however the actual flow rates range between 500 gpd – 2,500 gpd depending on the weekday. High influent BOD/TKN (350/150 mg/l) with highly variable flows challenged the previous SBR to meet the strict effluent requirements of < 8 mg/l total nitrogen.
The consulting engineer designed a system where they converted the existing SBR into an equalization basin for the new miniMBR® process. The new process incorporates pre and post-anoxic zones plus a UF membrane for MLSS separation. Due to the low amount of dissolved oxygen imparted by the miniMBR® aerated downflow external membrane, the multi-stage biological process is able to achieve excellent effluent total nitrogen results with minimal external carbon addition. Additionally, this MBR typically operates drawing only 4-5 KW of power from its 230 VAC, 60 hz, single phase electrical supply.
Typical effluent results average non-detect for BOD, TSS, ammonia and fecal coliform. Total nitrogen in the effluent averages less than 5 mg/l.
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This page was last updated on 02 April 2020
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