EnviroGem, Inc.company website

Specialist areas:
- Industrial wastewater treatment, water recovery and reuse, high recovery
- Troubleshooting and optimisation, plant performance evaluation
- Training operating teams, operating data monitoring
About EnviroGem, Inc.
Envirogem, Inc. provides assistance in solving problems with wastewater treatment, water recovery and reuse, water treatment, oily water treatment, nutrient (ammonia, nitrogen and phosphorus) removal/recovery, toxicity reduction, sludge management, colour and salt removal, and membrane applications.
EnviroGem, Inc. provides technical services to several industries (pharmaceutical, petrochemical, biotech, food, refineries, chemicals, pulp and paper, textile, automotive, and electronics industries) around the world.
MBR experience
For the past 29 years, we have assisted hundreds of MBR facilities in 54 countries (industrial and municipal wastewater related) and acted as consultants for GE Water and their clients on complex industrial MBRs.
We currently assist several industrial clients (with MBRs from GE, Kubota, Pall, Toray, Norit, Koch, Berghof, FibraCast, LG, etc). We also assist with industrial anaerobic MBRs.
EnviroGem, Inc. specialises in Zero Liquid Discharge Systems with MBR/RO and other related unit processes that could result in high recovery of water also.
We assist clients with our cloud based living operating manual and data management tool to optimize operations & performance.
About this page
This page was last updated on 20 May 2020
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